What is WDN’s Safe & Sustainable Future doing amidst the youth climate strike?
Community organizing and global solidarity is critical for climate justice, as we’re seeing from the youth climate strike. Earlier this year, WDN’s Safe & Sustainable Future Impact Collective awarded $100,000 to the Sunrise Movement—key organizers of climate actions.
Last year, Safe & Sustainable Future made grants to an incredible cohort of climate activists to attend the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Poland in order to speak truth to power and strengthen the global climate justice movement.
Our support helped fund powerful and disruptive organizing by leaders at the Asian People’s Movement on Debt and Development, the Indigenous Environmental Network, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance, and SustainUS. This year, we’re supporting another cohort to attend the climate conference in Spain.
Grassroots voices are not prioritized in the climate conversation but in order to achieve climate justice, they must be heard and they must be given seats at the table.