WDN Connect 2023: Rise & Renew Recap

From our opening night workshop on art and culture to a discussion about how our fates are intertwined, WDN Connect 2023 in Charlotte was full of inspiring content and powerful connections. Thank you for making this year’s conference such a memorable one full of ideas, inspiration, camaraderie, and some great dance moves!  

Keep the conference momentum going – turn on our Spotify playlist ☀️ WDN Connect 2023 ☀️ and check out these photo highlights of our time together.

Do you want to watch WDN Connect Main Stage sessions? Conference attendees and WDN members can access recordings in our event app and on our member portal.

You can also watch the powerful video series we previewed at our conference. Check out our Collective Impact video below and watch our Vision Forward and the Power of Our Community videos.

WDN Connect was also an important moment to launch our new Strategic Plan and share our collective vision to advance gender and racial justice. We are excited to power the next chapter of our impact!

For a deeper look at our core pillars of work to connect, grow, fund, and mobilize together, read the full strategic plan.

On Thursday, artist Favianna Rodriguez spoke about the intersection of art and advocacy, then led us in a hands-on workshop that gave us fresh perspectives and tools to make a difference through our creativity.

Friday’s opening keynote and panel discussion moderated by Dr. Barbara Ransby explored what is possible when we infuse our organizing with a spirit of internationalism, radical democratic practice, and an unshakeable commitment to come together across silos to envision a better world.

Understanding that multiple strategies are needed to achieve collective liberation, movement leaders on Friday gave compelling lightning talks about the tactics they are using to drive lasting change.

Saturday’s inter-generational member panel, led by transformational leadership trainer Akaya Windwood, was a candid and beautiful conversation around belonging.

We are a growing multiracial and multigenerational community of donors organizing through a gender and racial justice lens. We combine long-term strategic investments with responsive funding to meet the moment. From climate, to reproductive justice, to democracy, to human rights, our approach is the same. We fight for the freedom, safety, and dignity of all people.

Thank you to all who have already committed to our work in 2024 and beyond. Make your annual contribution and power the next chapter of our work together.

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