WDN Connect 2023: COVID Guidelines

As we gather to share knowledge and ideas at our annual conference, the health and safety of our conference community remain of utmost priority. To that end, the following guidelines are intended to ensure a safe and enjoyable conference experience for all participants. They apply to all registered attendees, presenters, staff, and vendors supporting our conference. These safety protocols are subject to change based on COVID levels and up-to-date recommendations at the time of our event. 

Vaccination Requirement

We require all attendees who are eligible to be up to date on their COVID-19 vaccinations and to have had at least 1 booster in accordance with CDC guidance, except in the case of religious or medical exemption. 

Onsite Testing

Onsite COVID-19 testing will be required at registration before taking part in any WDN Connect activities.

Masking Guidance

While mask mandates are no longer widely in place, we encourage you to follow the masking practices that make you feel most comfortable in a group setting. 

Social Distancing & Physical Contact

We prioritize a safe and inclusive conference experience, respecting each attendee’s comfort level and preferences. Color-coded buttons to indicate social distance preferences will be available to all attendees at the conference registration desk. Regardless of your personal preferences please be understanding and respectful of each other’s choices. 

If You Feel Sick

Any attendee feeling unwell or displaying COVID-19 symptoms may not participate in the conference. We ask that you stay in your room until you are symptom-free. Please review COVID-19 symptoms here

Contact Tracing

In the event of a positive COVID-19 case during or within 5 days of WDN Connect, we will notify all in-person participants. We recommend following CDC guidance for quarantine, isolation, and testing.  If you test positive for COVID-19, please notify the conference organizers at [email protected]

Please DO NOT travel or attend if any of the following are true:

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