When Self Care Meets Collective Care, Our 2021 Member Retreat
On July 17 and 18, 2021, we held our member retreat, Me to We: When Self Care Meets Collective Care with Sonya Renee Taylor, Prentis Hemphill, Aryeh Shell, and Amber Field. Visionaries, whose life work is healing the world through individual healing and collective anti-oppression work. Day 1 Build Resilience and Radical Love “Radical self-love […]
How WDN’s Grantmaking Is Building Trust
The trust-based philanthropy movement, championed by the Trust-Based Philanthropy Project, is about “redistributing power – systemically, organizationally, and interpersonally – in service of a healthier and more equitable nonprofit sector.” The Trust-Based Philanthropy Project encourages funders to adopt “six key principles which include: multi-year unrestricted funding, streamlined applications and reporting, and a commitment to building […]
Real Talk With New Member Jennifer Risher
New member Jennifer Risher, author of We Need to Talk, tells us how she’s shaking up the conversation about wealth and philanthropy. You have an interesting story about how you became wealthy. Can you share it with us? I am lucky. For one, I was born into a white body, into a stable family, and […]
Investing Now for Long-term Impact: Grantmaking Update
We are proud to share an update about our collective grantmaking. At WDN we are moving more than $4.2 million in funding to 44 powerhouse organizations in this grantmaking cycle. Thanks to the collective investment of this network, we are able to continue mobilizing critical funding to support the work of our grantees across the […]
System Failure: What the 2020 Primary Elections reveal about our democracy
The Reflective Democracy Campaign today released an analysis of the 2020 US primary elections by race and gender — a detailed look at who ran for office and who won, by race, gender, and incumbency status. The report, titled System Failure: What the 2020 Primary Elections reveal about our democracy, explores the causes of white […]
Caring At The Very Beginning: Transforming Our World Through Birth Justice
WDN member Amanda Coslor joined us for a Q&A on birth justice as an often overlooked way to transform society. You are heavily involved in the birth justice movement. You are the seed funder and a board member of the Birth Justice Fund at Groundswell Fund, one of the largest birth justice funders in the country, and the Thriving […]
More Than 6% of the Population But Less Than 1% of Elected Officials?
By: Brenda Choresi Carter, Campaign Director, The Reflective Democracy Campaign The Reflective Democracy Campaign has just released our first-of-its kind report mapping AAPI political leadership in the USA, #advanceAAPIpower. Against the backdrop of mounting anti-Asian violence, we found that the AAPI community is the most politically under-represented demographic group in America, even in states with […]
Tending to Self through Change with Member Sage Wheeler
You run your own business, Sage Coaching, to support women going through transitions. What key message do you communicate to women going through changes or challenges? First off, this past year has thrown all of our nervous systems into varying stages of fight, flight, or freeze. Understand that we are our nervous system and begin with […]
Barbara Jean Lee: The Lone Voice
By: Kathryn Snyder, WDN Director of Programs & Initiatives This month, WDN had the honor of hosting a screening of Abby Ginzberg’s documentary Truth to Power: Barbara Lee Speaks for Me, followed by a live panel with Representative Barbara Lee and Abby Ginzberg, moderated by Lateefah Simon, President of the Akonadi Foundation. These three women together spoke […]
Justice is More than a Verdict
Statement by Donna Hall, President & CEO, Women Donors Network We send love and strength to Minneapolis today, to the family and community of George Floyd. Real justice would mean George Floyd would still be alive today. Our collective breath was taken away from all of us the moment we witnessed the murder of George […]